Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums Chapter 25 in one sentence

Your assignment for today was to read Chapter 25 of The Dharma Bums and summarize it in one sentence. Below is my one-sentence summary (I hope I did it justice -- it was a long chapter) -- post yours as a comment. I'd also love to see general comments about the chapter, or questions.

The Dharma Bums Chapter 25 in one sentence:
After breakfast, Japhy and Ray split logs, Sean's wife Christine feeds them lunch, Japhy expounds on Buddhism, they have a big Saturday night party (with naked dancing girls), when couples pair off Ray goes to his sleeping bag under the rosebush to sleep, the party continues into Sunday (people in Sean's house, the yard, or the shack) -- Princess, Alvah, and Warren Coughlin show up -- these kind of festivities seem to go on every weekend and Ray always steals off for a nap, Ray has visions of Cody and Rosie, interacts with a hummingbird, one weekend Japhy's favorite girl Psyche shows up and Japhy makes her and Ray slumgullion and they borrow Sean's jalopy to go to the beach, Ray buys food for the shack and cooks for all the visitors (twelve at once in the shack on weekends), and Ray scares away some kids who had been throwing rocks on the shack roof by appearing at the door holding a black cat and saying in a low voice, "I am the ghost."

Your next assignment is to read The Dharma Bums Chapter 26 and post a one-sentence summary.

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