Friday, January 25, 2019

Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums Chapter 28 in one sentence

Your assignment for today was to read Chapter 28 of The Dharma Bums and summarize it in one sentence. Below is my one-sentence summary -- post yours as a comment. I'd also love to see general comments about the chapter, or questions.

The Dharma Bums Chapter 28 in one sentence:
The night of the big party arrives, around Sean's roaring bonfire Cacoethes holds forth on the qualities of different contemporary poets, Morley shows up but just for a short time, wild dancing and nakedness ensues, Ray talks with Japhy's father, Japhy and Psyche have a disagreement, Ray tries to get her to come up the hill with him but she is out like a light, he eats alone by the fire, wonders about the pitifulness of human beings, and Japhy calls everybody to pancakes at 8 a.m. banging on his frying pan and chanting the "Gocchami" chant.

Your next assignment is to read The Dharma Bums Chapter 29 and post a one-sentence summary.

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