Sunday, January 27, 2019

Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums Chapter 30 in one sentence

Your assignment for today was to read Chapter 30 of The Dharma Bums and summarize it in one sentence. Below is my one-sentence summary -- post yours as a comment. I'd also love to see general comments about the chapter, or questions.

The Dharma Bums Chapter 30 in one sentence:
On the hike back from the beach, Japhy points out that trails are a metaphor for life, Ray goes on and on about wanting a Hershey bar, they reach the shack, Japhy goes out for groceries and brings Ray a Hershey bar ("greatest Hershey bar I ever ate") and red port (it's their last night home together), Sean and family visit them, the next day Ray gives Japhy a going-away gift of a little piece of paper on which he writes "MAY YOU USE THE DIAMONDCUTTER OF MERCY,"* Japhy and Psyche make love on the ship in his cabin and she almost doesn't get off in time (Japhy has to throw her ten feet off the ship on to the pier into Sean's arms), Warren Coughlin predicts Japhy's future in Japan, and Alvah concludes with "It all ends in tears anyway."

Your next assignment is to read The Dharma Bums Chapter 31 and post a one-sentence summary.

*For some interesting back story on this, click here to read my April 14, 2012 blog post.

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