Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums Chapter 33 in one sentence

Your assignment for today was to read Chapter 33 of The Dharma Bums and summarize it in one sentence. Below is my one-sentence summary -- post yours as a comment. I'd also love to see general comments about the chapter, or questions. Only 1 chapter to go and we're finished!

The Dharma Bums Chapter 33 in one sentence:
In the morning it's clear and Ray takes in the magnificent view from his "6600-foot pinnacle," does chores, identifies landmarks with his panoramic and firefinder, stands on his head outside on a burlap bag, realizes he is truly alone, can see Ross Lake in the afternoon when the low clouds disappear, his first sunset is unbelievable, he makes beef stew for dinner, often meditates (facing west), at night the deer come and eat leftovers he leaves for them, Ray sees the Aurora Borealis over Mount Hozomeen, all he has to do is watch the horizons for smoke and run the two-way radio and sweep the floor, gets new radio batteries by parachute, has visions of Avalokitesvara while meditating, makes Japhy's pea-and-bacon soup, takes two-hour naps each afternoon, and ponders the mysteries of life and death.

Your next assignment is to read The Dharma Bums Chapter 34 and post a one-sentence summary.

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