Tuesday, March 19, 2019

19th sentence of the 19th book

The 19th book on my Kerouac bookshelf is another copy of Jack Kerouac's Vanity of Duluoz (Penguin Books, 1994), and the 19th sentence (in honor of today being the 19th day of the month) is:
But in my first sandlot game in 1935, about October, no such crowd: it was early Saturday morning, my gang had challenged the so-and-so team from Rosemont, yes, in fact it was the Dracut Tigers (us) versus the Rosemont Tigers, Tigers everywhere, we'd challenged them in the Lowell Sun newspaper in a little article written in by our team captain, Scotcho Boldieu and edited by myself: 'Dracut Tigers, age 13 to 15, challenge any football team age 13 to 15, to a game in Dracut Tigers field or any field Saturday Morning.' (p. 11)

 By the way, it's pronounced DUE-loo-ahz and it's one of my favorite Kerouac books.

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