Thursday, April 4, 2019

Spam policy reminder

This is a reminder to readers that on any given day we receive dozens of anonymous spam comments such as the following, which was left yesterday on this post:
Happy good judgment. Myself & my own friend were being just able to do your homework relating to this. We've got the pick up a magazine in the localized assortment although i think I just come to understand a great deal more within this place. Now i'm highly lucky to find out this sort of fantastic tips getting commonly in existence.
Consequently, if you send us a comment and you want it to be published (we vet each one), you must comply with three rules:

1. You must use a screen name. It doesn't have to be your own, but if the commenter's name shows as "Anonymous" the comment will not get published.

2. Your comment has to have something to do with the post it targets. If a post is not about gynecological locations in Thailand, then a comment about gynecological locations in Thailand will not get published.

3. Your comment must be civil. That is, snarky ad hominem comments and the like will not get published.

FYI, I label all comments that fail to meet the above criteria as "spam" for Google to deal with, so be warned.

We love comments here at The Daily Beat, but we will not suffer bullshit, which is what almost all daily comments consist of for one reason or another. I don't know from where or how or why (for what purpose) these comments hit my blog each day, but if you are responsible: Man, you can go fuck yourself.

On the other hand, if you want to send us a can of Spam (chopped pork and lunch meat in a can), we will gladly fry that up and have it on a sandwich for lunch. And if you've sent in a legit comment and I missed it, my apologies for that -- past, present, and future.

What does any of this have to do with Jack Kerouac? I bet he ate Spam. Other than that, here's a Kerouac quote for you:
I wrote my first novel at age 11, in a 5¢ notebook, about an orphan boy running away, floating down a river in a boat . . .  (Heaven & Other Poems, Grey Fox, 1977, p. 39)

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