Monday, August 6, 2012

On The Road 4 Kerouac Project: Contribute Now!

We've posted about the On The Road 4 Kerouac Project several times here at The Daily Beat. It's an opportunity to pay tribute to Jack Kerouac by contributing to an effort to "reinvent the scroll" in 2012. It's easy to contribute: just click here.

No less than the famous Al Hinkle ("Big Ed Dunkel" in On The Road) has just contributed - click here to read his excellent remembrance of Jack.

You'll also see a tribute by Gerald Nicosia, author of Memory Babe.

And, of course, yours truly contributed!

What are you waiting for? Write up a tribute to Jack and send it in. The Project is presenting it to The Beat Museum on October 27, so speed is of the essence!


  1. I'm a bit disappointed regarding the "Reinvent the Scroll" project, Rick--I sent off a haiku-like poem inspired by Kerouac with a brief preface/commentary back in early July and haven't heard from anyone involved from the organization since. I even sent a follow-up note to find out if there might've been a problem with the mailing and that has gone unanswered.

    I KNOW the poem isn't that bad--in fact, it's got a genuine Kerouac-inspired spirit and some decent, clear lines. Do you konw just how selective the editorial staff is being? I'm mystified...

  2. Kurt - I will follow up with the head of the project. It has to be a snafu....

    1. Thanks, Rick--I'm pulling for the project to be a success and I'm also humble enough to accept that the poem might NOT have been up-to-snuff so it's really not a huge deal. That said, after reading all of the submissions I thought my work was at least in keeping with the general quality and tenor of the other pieces...

      Thanks again...
