Friday, August 11, 2023

ChatGPT builds a Kerouac quiz


I asked ChatGPT3 (an AI LLM) to build a 10 question multiple choice quiz about Kerouac and below is what it produced. Do you see any problems with it? One is obvious.

Question 1: What is the full name of the author commonly associated with the Beat Generation? a) John Steinbeck b) Allen Ginsberg c) Jack Kerouac d) Ernest Hemingway

Question 2: Which of the following novels is considered one of Jack Kerouac's most famous works? a) To Kill a Mockingbird b) On the Road c) The Great Gatsby d) 1984

Question 3: In which year was "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac first published? a) 1957 b) 1969 c) 1945 d) 1961

Question 4: Jack Kerouac's writing style is often characterized as: a) Traditional and formal b) Experimental and stream-of-consciousness c) Surreal and fantastical d) Gothic and horror

Question 5: Which fellow Beat Generation writer was a close friend of Jack Kerouac and is known for his poem "Howl"? a) William S. Burroughs b) F. Scott Fitzgerald c) T.S. Eliot d) Allen Ginsberg

Question 6: What is the title of Jack Kerouac's semi-autobiographical novel about his experiences working as a fire lookout in the Cascade Mountains? a) "Naked Lunch" b) "The Sun Also Rises" c) "Desolation Angels" d) "Brave New World"

Question 7: Which road-trip route is the main focus of Jack Kerouac's novel "On the Road"? a) Route 66 b) Pacific Coast Highway c) Route 101 d) US Route 50

Question 8: What is the title of the book in which Jack Kerouac chronicles his travels through Mexico? a) "Mexico Journals" b) "The Mexican Odyssey" c) "Visions of Mexico" d) "Tristessa"

Question 9: Jack Kerouac was known for his affinity for spontaneous prose and wrote a famous work in one continuous, uninterrupted draft. What is the title of this work? a) "The Catcher in the Rye" b) "Howl" c) "Naked Lunch" d) "Big Sur"

Question 10: In which city did Jack Kerouac pass away in 1969? a) Los Angeles b) San Francisco c) New York City d) Chicago


NewRobin13 said...

I'm going to try and take this quiz.
1. Jack Kerouac.
2. On The Road
3. 1957
4. Experimental and stream of consciousness
5. Allen Ginsberg
6. Desolation Angels
7. ?
8. ?
0. Big Sur
10. ?
Uh-oh I thought I would know more than I do.

Rick Dale, author of The Beat Handbook said...

NewRobin13, your answers comport with the answer key. 7 should be Route 66. 8 should be Tristessa. 10 should be St. Petersburg, FL, yet that choice is missing. I also question whether Big Sur was written like On The Road, and it is certainly not a famous novel of Kerouac's compared to OTR.

NewRobin13 said...

Rick... I did think some of the choices were off. I should have chosen Route 66, which is what came to mind. I just wasn't sure. It was fun to play though!