Friday, January 18, 2019

Jack Kerouac's The Dharma Bums Chapter 22 in one sentence

Your assignment for today was to read Chapter 22 of The Dharma Bums and summarize it in one sentence. Below is my one-sentence summary -- post yours as a comment. I'd also love to see general comments about the chapter, or questions.

The Dharma Bums Chapter 22 in one sentence:
Living in Sean Monahan's spartan shack on a hill in Corte Madera, Japhy waits for Ray, who, after a peaceful winter of meditation, finds hitchhiking harder than ever, Ray takes a bus through part of Georgia and ends up staying in a four-dollar hotel when he can't get another ride, he gets scared by a ride with a drunk Southerner and decides to take the bus to El Paso and then hop Southern Pacific freights, has the most beautiful sleep of his life in a sandy arroyo beyond the El Paso trainyards, eats canned pork and beans for breakfast, decides to camp there another night while he enjoys Juarez, leaves his pack in a train station locker and drinks and smokes marijuana in Juarez, and then returns to sleep in his sandy spot in the desert where he listens to "the mysterious roar of silence itself."

Your next assignment is to read The Dharma Bums Chapter 23 and post a one-sentence summary.

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