Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Merry Christmas Eve Eve


I remember how, as a boy, I would get so excited about Christmas that I could hardly stand it. By the time Christmas Eve rolled around, I was beside myself.

I still get a sense of anticipatory joy, but it's not the same thing. And this year, the holiday will be bittersweet as we are not gathering with anyone outside our household. Our celebration will be different. We will chat by video with distant loved ones, and this year we decided not to get a tree. Instead, we have a small topiary-like tree with lights. Not doing stockings, either. Plus, our menu is completely different, leaning toward special treats and hors d'oeuvres instead of ham or turkey and all the fixings.

A COVID Christmas, indeed.

However or whether you plan to celebrate, I hope it's safe and as joyous as possible given the circumstances. HERE is a link to my 2016 post on whether Jack Kerouac said, "Merry Christmas."

Merry Christmas Eve Eve to all.

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