Monday, April 8, 2019

Write a sad story in only three words

The title of this post is a writing prompt I saw on Twitter and I thought it would be fun to adapt the exercise by adding Jack Kerouac to the mix. Thus the prompt becomes:

Pretend you're Jack Kerouac and write a sad story in only three words.

Of course, one could substitute any famous person for Jack Kerouac and have fun with this, but we'll stick with Jack since this is a Kerouac-obsessed blog.

Here is what came to my mind:

Brother gone young. 

Post your 3-word story as a comment.

P.S. This reminds me of the legendary 6-word story: "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn." This story gets attributed to Ernest Hemingway (Kerouac connection!) but I've seen that claim refuted as urban legend.

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