Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4: On Visiting New Places

Today's Kerouaction

According to the Cosmic Baseball Research Association's Jack Kerouac chronology, March 4 is the day that Neal Cassady left New York City after his first visit there (and meeting Kerouac, Ginsberg, et al.). It is widely accepted that Neal was a huge influence on Kerouac's spontaneous writing style, perhaps the singularly important influence (see in particular my January 4, blog).

Jack meeting Neal was monumental: Neal inspired On The Road, the defining novel of the beat generation! No Neal, no On The Road. Think of it!

Your Kerouaction today is to go somewhere you've never been. Maybe you'll meet your Neal Cassady. It doesn't have to be another country, state, or even town. Have a beer at a bar you've never been in before. Eat a beat meal at a restaurant you've never patronized. Go to that museum you've always threatened to visit.

The point is, go somewhere new. Today.

1 comment:

Rick Dale, author of The Beat Handbook said...

Awesome - I definitely want to go go go to Denver some day and walk where Jack and Neal walked!

Your post puts you strongly in the running for March's free book!